The official visit initiated by His Highness the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani to Germany reflects the strength of bilateral relations, and the robust and depth sustainable partnership between them, as well as the commitment of the two countries’ leaderships to elevate these relations to higher levels and broader horizons in various fields.
During the visit, the Amir is expected to discuss with German President Dr Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Chancellor Olaf Scholz, along with other high-ranking German officials, the relations between the two friendly countries and ways to support and develop them in various areas, particularly in energy and in economic and investment sectors. They will also explore opportunities for new co-operation and partnerships that will benefit both countries. Additionally, there will be an exchange of views on regional and international situations of common interest.
Diplomatic ties between Qatar and Germany were established in 1973. Qatar is considered an important partner for Germany in the Middle East and North Africa region, as the trade relations between both countries have been existent for more than 60 years with political and diplomatic relations running for nearly half a century. These relations have left a positive impact on the hearts of the two friendly peoples. The Qatari-German relations are based on strong foundations of mutual trust and respect and common interests. They are strategic relations, reinforced by close co-operation ties that have grown stronger in recent years, as Qatar’s political role has developed alongside its expanding efforts in mediating regional and international conflicts. Continuous dialogue and ongoing consultations between both sides regarding political co-ordination on regional issues and top international topics are ongoing between the two countries. In May 2022, Qatar and Germany signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on launching a strategic dialogue between the two countries. This dialogue will provide an important platform for discussing energy files and cooperation between the both countries.
The two countries are bound by various economic agreements and memorandums of understanding, including an agreement to protect and encourage mutual investments, and others in the industrial, commercial, healthcare, cultural, sports, archaeology, solar energy, civil aviation, and air transport fields. In addition, there is an agreement to establish a joint commission on economic, trade and technical co-operation, which has seen several sessions held over the past years.
The relations between the two countries are expected to witness a new start and broader prospects in the coming period, especially with the agreements and memorandums of understanding signed between the two countries and the momentum witnessed through high-level visits between Doha and Berlin. Notable among these visits is the working visit His Highness the Amir paid to Germany in May 2022, and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s visit to Doha in September of the same year.
During these visits, bilateral relations and ways to develop them on all levels, including education, economy, investment, energy, and defence, were discussed. The latest international developments were also discussed during the visits. The two countries also signed a Joint Declaration of Intent to enhance co-operation in the energy field within the framework of a successful and ongoing dialogue between Qatar and Germany. This co-operation is expected to develop into an energy partnership by building trade relations in liquefied natural gas (LNG) that serve the interests of both countries and archive their climate action ambitions.
This partnership is expected to strengthen diversification in Germany’s energy supply through the import of LNG from Qatar. At the same time, it will facilitate bilateral cooperation in hydrogen energy and renewable energy sources.
In November 2022, QatarEnergy announced the signing of two long-term LNG sale and purchase agreements (SPAs) between QatarEnergy and ConocoPhillips affiliates for the delivery of up to 2mn tpy of LNG from Qatar to Germany. Pursuant to the two SPAs, a ConocoPhillips wholly owned subsidiary will purchase the agreed quantities to be delivered ex-ship to the ‘German LNG’ receiving terminal, which is currently under development in Brunsbuttel in northern Germany, with deliveries expected to start in 2026. Germany is the largest gas market in Europe, with significant demand in the industrial, power, and household sectors.
Over the past six decades, the Qatari-German economic relations have witnessed steady growth with Qatar becoming an important economic partner for Germany in the region. Similarly, Germany ranks third among the European countries attracting Qatari investments after the UK and France. Qatar is one of Germany’s largest investors, with an amount amounting to about 25bn euros in the automotive industry, communications, hospitality and banking services, and other important sectors. The pace of these investments has increased, especially after the Amir’s historic visit to Germany in 2018, where His Highness announced Qatar’s intention to pump 10bn euros worth of investments into the German economy over the next five years until 2023, reflecting the depth and strength of bilateral relations at all levels.
In September 2022, the Qatari Ministry of Commerce and Industry signed a strategic partnership agreement with the German Association for Small and Medium Businesses, to open a representative office for the association in Qatar, the first of its kind in the Gulf region. This agreement contributes to increasing the presence of German companies in Qatar and reflects positively on the movement of trade and investment and the establishment of fruitful partnerships between the business sectors in both countries.
The establishment of the first office in the Gulf region of the German Association for Small and Medium Businesses in Doha will contribute to strengthening relations between companies in the two countries, by linking the 900,000 small and medium-sized companies that are members of the association with their counterparts in Qatar, in addition to linking German companies with potential partners in all parts of the region. As an indication of the steady growth of trade relations between the two countries, the volume of trade exchange between Qatar and Germany increased by 80% in 2021, reaching more than $3bn. The number of German companies that contribute to the development of the Qatari economy exceeds 330 companies working in vital fields such as energy, construction, services, railway development, trade, contracting, communications, medical devices and equipment, and other fields.
Additionally, Qatar owns shares in vital German commercial and banking groups. It is considered the largest shareholder in the giant Volkswagen Group, with a share worth $9bn, as well as in Siemens, and invests in Hapag-Lloyd, one of the world’s largest shipping companies, and in Hochtief, the largest construction company in Germany, which operates globally. To attract foreign investments, Qatar has worked, based on its National Vision 2030, to provide an appropriate investment climate, through a series of laws and legislation that attract investment, the political and social stability that the country enjoys, its connection to strong and balanced relations with all parties, its strategic geographical location as a major commercial gateway linking the East and the West, the advanced digital infrastructure that ensures the smooth flow of trade and capital for international investors, and its large commercial port and airlines that connect it to important cities and global trade routes.

Qatar’s ambassador: Amir’s visit to Germany to broaden horizons
Qatar’s ambassador to Germany Abdullah bin Mohamed bin Saud al-Thani stressed that the visit of His Highness the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani to Berlin will contribute to enhancing the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries in all fields.
In his remarks to Qatar News Agency (QNA), the ambassador said that the Amir’s visit and meetings will boost Qatari-German relations. Furthermore, it will further contribute to strengthening the comprehensive strategic partnership in a way that benefits both countries and peoples in all fields and at all levels.
He added that the visit draws great interest among German political, economic, and media circles, as it will reiterate the significance of the strategy pursued by Qatar in its openness to the global political environment through consolidating relations of co-operation as well as political and economic partnership with major countries. The ambassador pointed out that the Amir’s visit coincides with the 50th anniversary of the establishment of Qatari-German diplomatic relations. He added that given the strength of the thriving economic and trade relations between the two countries, Qatar has become a vital partner for Germany in the Middle East region. He said that at this particular stage, the visit is of great importance in strengthening bilateral relations at the political and economic levels, exploring new areas of co-operation and commercial and investment partnership between the two countries, in addition to expanding horizons in discussing issues of common interest for the benefit of the peoples of the two friendly countries.
The ambassador noted that Qatari-German economic relations experienced remarkable growth and flourishing over the past five decades, with Qatar becoming one of Germany’s most important international partners, adding that the high volume of bilateral trade exchange brought about a growth of investments in multiple sectors, thus, fortifying bilateral cooperation and paving the way for new partnership opportunities.
He referred to Qatar’s efforts over the past five decades to strengthen its relations and partnerships in parallel with Qatar’s pivotal role in promoting peace and development regionally and globally, through effective participation in all efforts that aim to face challenges and reduce tensions in international relations, with his emphasising that Qatar has always been keen to enhance understanding through constructive civilisational dialogues, promoting tolerance and brotherhood among different religions and cultures.

German envoy: relations ever stronger than anytime
German ambassador in Doha Lothar Freischlader described the relations between Qatar and Germany as excellent, adding that the excellent economic ties in trade and investments play an ever-stronger role than anytime. In remarks to Qatar News Agency (QNA) on His Highness the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani’s visit to Germany, the ambassador added that Qatar is Germany’s third largest trading partner in the Gulf region.
He said during the visit the Amir and the German Chancellor will discuss regional questions and crisis in the Middle East, along with global challenges, affirming the solid, reliable and fraternal relationship the two nations have been maintaining for the last 50 years. Qatar and Germany established diplomatic relations in in 1973.
Freischlader pointed out that the visit will discuss a wide range of bilateral, multilateral, economic and environmental challenges both countries face, adding that he personally thinks that the two nations would widen their bilateral activities to cultural exchange, research and scientific co-operation between universities and research institutions. He said the relationship between Qatar and Germany has been rapidly evolving during the past years by virtue of the reciprocal visits and bilateral consultations, including the visit of Federal Minister for Economy and Climate Action, Robert Habeck, to Doha in March 2022, while the visit of His Highness the Amir to Berlin in May 2022, where they signed a strategic partnership in energy between the two nations.
He added that in September 2022 the Federal Chancellor paid a visit to Doha. An agreement with ConocoPhilips on delivery of Qatari gas was signed in November 2022. Most recently, in May 2023, German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock visited Doha, where Qatar and Germany agreed on an annual strategic dialogue.
He said Qatar has proved its talent in organising important events like the International Horticultural Expo 2023 Doha, the Geneva International Motor Show, and the Formula 1 just to name a few.
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