The UN World Food Program (WFP) has warned that crucial supplies were running dangerously low in the Gaza Strip after Israel imposed a total blockade on the territory.
The deputy head of emergencies at WFP, which is based in Rome, Brian Lander said that its a dire situation in the Gaza Strip that were seeing evolve with food and water being in limited supply and quickly running out.
He indicated that WFP is on the ground and is responding and providing food to thousands of people that have sought shelter in schools and elsewhere across the territory. But it is going to run out very soon,"adding that the people that are seeking shelter and striving to survive in this environment are only going to get into worse and worse situations as time goes on.
The UN official said that they have seen a number of sites that are considered humanitarian, or clinics and schools that the strikes have hit. So, they again are calling on the parties to the conflict to abide by their obligations under international humanitarian law.
WFP provides direct food aid to about 350,000 Palestinians per month, and also provides aid to about one million people in cooperation with other humanitarian aid partners through cash transfers.
In a report issued in 2023, United Nations agencies said that 58 percent of the population of the Gaza Strip needed humanitarian aid and that 29 percent of families in Gaza were living in harsh or catastrophic conditions,compared to ten percent in 2022.
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