The Israeli occupation forces detained 109 Palestinians in a massive arrest campaign launched in various parts of the occupied West Bank.
According to Palestinian news agency (WAFA), the occupation forces detained 15 Palestinians in Ramallah, 16 in Bethlehem, and two in Nablus, including a freed prisoner.
In Hebron, the occupation forces arrested 76 Palestinians, including 50 workers from Gaza Strip, who came to Hebron after Israeli forced them to leave the 48 territories.
The Palestinian Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs Authority said that the number of Palestinians detained by the occupation army in the West Bank, including Jerusalem, from October 7 until Tuesday morning, reached 680 detainees, 25% of whom are minors, sick, and elderly.
The Authority noted that the occupation arrested dozens and maybe hundreds of Palestinians in the southern governorates, but there has been no clear information on them because the occupation declares them as illegal fighters and arrests them in certain places.
Different parts of the occupied Jerusalem and West Bank face daily arrests and incursions by the Israeli occupation forces who often clash with the Palestinians and fire live and rubber bullets and poisonous gas bombs. The pace of the occupation's assaults increased in conjunction with the ongoing Israeli aggression on Gaza Strip for the 11th day which left thousands martyred and injured, and caused massive destruction to infrastructure.
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