HE Minister of Labor, and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Arab Labor Organization Dr. Ali bin Samikh Al Marri underlined that the latest developments in the situation in the occupied Palestinian territories, especially in the Gaza Strip, constituted a blatant violation that affected the labor sector and Palestinian workers who lost their jobs and lives due to these attacks that affected hospitals, schools, means of transportation, and companies.
During a meeting with HE Director-General of the International Labor Organization Gilbert Houngbo, HE the Minister of Labor stressed that the escalation exceeded the limits of humanitarian logic in adopting brutal methods that brought the humanitarian situation to a deplorable state with attempts to cut off access to basic needs such as water, electricity, and health services; indicating that the developments in Gaza necessitates what remains of the humanity of the international community and international organizations in various fields to take its neutral and supportive positions for the right of the Palestinian people to live in dignity and security.
His Excellency called on international labor unions and international organizations to condemn what is happening to Palestinian workers in terms of serious violations that have caused them to lose their lives and jobs, in addition to the deliberate destruction of infrastructure. He called on the International Labor Organization to take a strict stance against this dangerous escalation in the Gaza Strip, which has destroyed infrastructure and displaced Palestinians in a way that violates all international standards.
HE the Minister of Labor emphasized the Arab Labor Organizations resolution to denounce the severe Israeli offensives against the Gaza Strip, along with all transgressions and brutal acts perpetrated by the Israeli occupation forces, encompassing bombardments, homicides, ethnic purges, implementing extreme destructive strategies, and utilizing weapons banned on a global scale against Palestinians and their workforce.
The Chairperson of the Arab Labor Organization's Board of Directors reinforced the organization's appeal for the enactment of essential actions to safeguard Palestinian workers and their families from harsh Israeli hostilities, and to shield the rights of Palestinian workers against the occupying forces in alignment with international Labor regulations and the Declaration of Essential Principles and Rights at Work, whilst extending comprehensive support to all involved sectors within Palestine.
His Excellency emphasized the imperative of recognizing the State of Palestines membership within the ILO. He remarked that maintaining Palestines status as an observer is irrational, considering the essential support it requires from the ILO to foster a superior work environment and enhance decent working conditions, particularly given the persistent violations endured by Palestinian workers.
HE Minister of Labor Dr. Ali bin Samikh Al Marri underlined that Qatar maintains a steadfast stance, condemning all manifestations of civilian targeting and the unjust taking of innocent lives, particularly those of women and children. The practice of collective punishment is unequivocally inadmissible under any justification.
His Excellency underscored the critical need for sustained delivery of relief convoys and humanitarian assistance to the besieged Palestinian brethren enduring the horrors of bombardment.
Furthermore, he accentuated the necessity for cohesive international and regional initiatives to cease the hostilities unleashed upon Gaza, and propelling concerted efforts towards the realization of a just and comprehensive peace.
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