In presence of HE the Minister of Environment and Climate Change Sheikh Dr Faleh bin Nasser bin Ahmed bin Ali al-Thani, the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (MoECC) signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) Monday with ExxonMobil Research Centre Qatar (EMRQ) with the aim of co-operation in scientific and technological research and the provision of technical advice, in addition to providing training opportunities and exchanging experts between the two sides.
The MoU was signed by Assistant Undersecretary for Environmental Protection Reserves and Wildlife Department at the MoECC and the vice-president and director of ExxonMobil Research Centre Qatar Dr David Palandro.
In his speech at the ceremony, HE Sheikh Dr Faleh stressed the vision of the MoECC, which relies on scientific research in preserving the environment, and adopting the latest findings of modern studies in the field of achieving sustainable development.
He indicated that the MoECC has been expanding its partnership with national research centres and institutions, which included Qatar University, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Doha University of Science and Technology, and the Abdullah bin Hamad Al-Attiyah International Foundation for Energy and Sustainable Development.
The minister noted the shared history of co-operation between the MoECC and ExxonMobil, which included the dugong protection project, and the geological studies carried out by the centre in the "Dahl Al-Misfer" cave.
ExxonMobil Qatar president and general manager Dominic Genetti expressed his happiness at signing the new MoU with the MoECC, and expressed his aspiration to make more progress in the research centre to contribute to achieving the goals of the Qatar National Vision 2030 through nature-based solutions.
Dr Palandro explained the vision behind the centre's transition, saying: "This transition is an opportunity to build on our strong research past and move into nature-based solutions.”
“Our focus on nature-based solutions is to promote their actions to protect and restore ecosystems that address socioeconomic and environmental challenges to benefit people and nature,” he said. “We believe that the application of nature-based and nature-inspired solutions with our Qatari partners, the MoECC and QatarEnergy, will lead to impactful projects for the State of Qatar. We're excited to push the boundaries of knowledge and innovation at our centre with the support of our partners."
The EMRQ was established at Qatar Science and Technology Park (QSTP) in 2009 and is one of the first anchor tenants.
The centre was created to support Qatar's research in water reuse, geoscience, and environmental efforts and help fulfil the objectives of its National Vision 2030.
Its mission is to conduct research of common interest to the State of Qatar and ExxonMobil, progress the application of research technologies with Qatari partners, and support education outreach and capacity building.
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