The Secretary-General of the Arab League Ahmed Aboul Gheit said this is not the first time that the Israeli entity has waged war on the Gaza Strip, but expressed hopes that this would be the last, stressing the need for a complete and immediate ceasefire in the strip.
During his speech in Riyadh yesterday, Aboul Gheit said that since the first day of its occupation of the Gaza Strip, Israel had wished that the Strip’s residents would disappear, be displaced, or immigrate, so much so that an occupation minister made a statement suggesting that the Gaza Strip should be bombed with a nuclear weapon.
The Secretary-General of the Arab League pointed out that in full view of the entire world, the Israeli occupation has killed so far more than 10,000 civilians, at least half of whom are women and children, in a campaign of ethnic cleansing, genocide and systematic violence that would sow hatred for generations to come.
He added that over a period of an entire month, appeals have been made to world powers and the UN Security Council to exempt Palestinian civilians from the horrors of the hideous Israeli retaliatory campaign, but said the Security Council had failed, along with some powers insisting on not tying Israel’s hands, describing its brutal massacres as self-defence.
Aboul Gheit emphasised the urgent need for a comprehensive ceasefire in Gaza. (QNA)
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