The Secretary-General of the Gulf Cooperation Council Jasem Mohamed Al Budaiwi welcomed the significant and appreciated efforts made by the State of Qatar in partnership with the Arab Republic of Egypt and the United States of America in reaching a humanitarian pause to alleviate the tragic conditions in the Gaza Strip.
In a statement on Wednesday, Al Budaiwi stated that Qatar was one of the first countries to seek, from the beginning of the crisis and through its diplomacy, constant communication with all parties, and calling for an immediate cessation of hostilities and the entry of aid to the Palestinian people.
He expressed hope that this agreement would contribute to the entry of various humanitarian, relief, and fuel assistance to the people of the Gaza Strip. He also voiced hope that this ceasefire would be the beginning of a permanent cessation of hostilities and the end of the crisis in the Gaza Strip and alleviating the suffering of the Palestinian people.
Earlier Wednesday, the State of Qatar announced the success of its joint mediation efforts undertaken with the Arab Republic of Egypt and the United States of America between Israel and the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), resulting in an agreement for a humanitarian pause. The starting time of the pause will be announced within the next 24 hours and last for four days, subject to extension. The agreement includes the release of 50 civilian women and children hostages currently held in the Gaza Strip in the first phase in exchange for the release of a number of Palestinian women and children detained in Israeli prisons.