Niger's pavilion at the Expo 2023 Doha's international zone sheds light on the heritage of West Africa, showcasing its economic and national priorities, and the progress and growth the country has achieved driven by the will of its people.
The pavilion focuses on the development of information and communications technology, as a means of stimulating economic development, along with renewable energy, infrastructure, agriculture and tourism.
The pavilion is not limited to the important mineral resources that the country possesses, as it also provides an overview of its tourist attractions, including rock art that dates back to the Neolithic age, and is embodied in the inscriptions found on the Aire Mountains, and the dinosaur graves lurking under the sand dunes in the Tenere Desert.
It also celebrates the pluralism, diversity and differences that characterise society and culture in Niger.
The person in charge of the pavilion says that the cultures and traditions of the various regions in their country, as well as the ethnic groups, contributed to the establishment of the modern state of Niger, and to giving the nation its national identity based on pluralism and diversity as a basis for the unity of the Nigerien national community, and as a source of its richness and strength of cohesion, in addition to linguistic multiplicity.
The pavilion highlights the cultural diversity of Niger in multiple aspects, such as fabrics and fashions, tribal music, and handcraft.
It also presents the development of agricultural and pastoral customs and traditions, and how the special values of ethnic groups have contributed to being an important resource for generating job opportunities and driving economic growth within local communities.