Apple has launched the first beta version of iOS 17.3 update, which adds some new features to iPhones, including the feature of protecting stolen iPhones.According to Apple, this new feature provides an additional layer of security in case an iPhone is stolen and the passcode is obtained.Turning the feature on, specific actions will require biometric authentication to verify the identity of the device owner through the Face ID feature, including using passwords or passkeys, applying for an Apple credit card, turning off Lost Mode, erasing iPhone data, using payment methods saved on iPhone, etc; without the ability to enter a passcode when the device is away from home or work.Apple stresses the restrictions with this new feature when performing critical actions such as changing the Apple ID password, updating its security settings, changing the passcode or Touch/Face ID settings, turning off the Find My feature, where the security delay feature is activated for an hour away from familiar locations.
December 13, 2023 | 11:52 AM