The Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MoCI) has signed an agreement with the Qatar Finance and Business Academy (QFBA) to co-ordinate and strengthen collaborative efforts in the field of training and professional development for the ministry's employees as part of efforts to nurture a skilled workforce in its relevant sector.
As per the agreement, the two parties have committed to strengthening the collaboration to deliver programmes focused on training and professional development, as well as dedicated initiatives tailored to meet the specific requirements of the ministry's employees and enhance productivity.
Additionally, they will present a programme for the project designed to develop the framework of training plans to establish the outline for training and development, creating essential tools and guidelines to assist the Learning and Development Department in implementing its programmes for the ministry's employees.
The MoU was signed by Abdullah bin Ali al-Khowaiter, Director of the Human Resources Department at the MoCI and Majed bin Abdulaziz al-Khulaifi, Director of Training and Development at the QFBA.
Dr Yahya bin Saeed al-Jafali al-Nuaimi, Assistant Undersecretary for Shared Services Affairs at MoCI, said this agreement is aimed at developing a skilled workforce aligned with the latest international practices.
It also serves to support the ministry's ongoing efforts in developing its human resources, refining their skills, elevating their professional standards, and enhancing overall productivity to achieve Qatar National Vision 2030.
Al-Yafei underlined that the project comprises two phases with the initial phase involving comprehending, reviewing, and evaluating the current status of training initiatives, identifying needs, and designing structures accordingly.
The subsequent phase will focus on the design of essential tools and guides, facilitating knowledge transfer, and nominating educational partners, he said, adding the anticipated timeline for the project's implementation is six months.

The MoU was signed by Abdullah bin Ali al-Khowaiter, Director of the Human Resources Department at the MoCI and Majed bin Abdulaziz al-Khulaifi, Director of Training and Development at the QFBA.