MES Indian School organised recently a winter camp for Scouts, Guides, Cubs & Bulbuls.
Students were divided into three patrol troops and performed exercises. A common session on the history of scouting was delivered by the in-charge teachers Asha V Nair and Rajesh.
Fun-filled engaging activities such as memory games and sensory games were conducted in the Junior section. A session of tying ‘Knots’ and ‘First aid’ was demonstrated in each troop. To provide an opportunity to learn new skills, and develop teamwork, co-operation and fun, adventure games were arranged for them at the junior ground.
Camp fire was one of the highlights. Cultural programmes were organised by the students troop-wise. They also performed the 'Scout Yell' in troops. Parents were invited to witness the camp fire programme.
Muna Jumah al-Mansouri, first scout activities expert; Paramjeet Kaur Bhullar, trainer/co-ordinator Expatriate Schools, MES governing board members and principal Dr Hameeda Kadar were present at the closing ceremony. Asha V Nair welcomed the gathering and Balkees Farsana proposed a vote of thanks. The other in-charge teachers were Ashraf, Blessy Peter, Fency Pathrose, Nizamudheen and Janisha.
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