The Planning and Quality Department at Qatar General Electricity and Water Corporation (Kahramaa) held an event on November 8, 2023, to enhance quality culture and discuss the Road Map to Quality Excellence.
During the event, according to an official Kahramaa statement, the Planning and Quality Department conducted insightful presentations covering several topics including quality awareness, innovative practices, and technical as well as management presentations. This event aligned with International Quality Month, celebrated globally every November. The main aim was to shed light on the critical role that quality plays in the corporation’s success.
The event was held at Kahramaa Awareness Park and was attended by a diverse audience of Kahramaa engineers, consultants, contractors and technical specialists with a total of 115 active participants. This event led to a productive discussion of the achievements and value output of quality in Kahramaa since the Quality Department was established ten years ago. The event delved into significant milestones such as the development of quality management commitment, contractor QA/QC and the enhancement of quality programmes.
The Electricity Distribution Department (ED) and Electricity Projects Department (TE) sustained the highest performance in their quality commitments out of ten Kahramaa departments in collaboration with the Planning and Quality Department.
The event acknowledged the milestones of past achievements and encouraged the departments to maintain their high standards and strive for continual improvement and sustainability in the quality of their resources, work and business processes. Emphasising the importance of maintaining a solid foundation whereby the corporation works to achieve quality and excellence is essential. This strategic step represents a point of transformation enhancing the corporation’s performance to advance the corporation to higher levels of success.
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