Making a tremendous impact on the research and innovation ecosystem of Qatar and emphasising the premier role of Sidra Medicine globally, at least 20 global pharmaceutical companies have contacted the hospital for clinical trials for new drugs, Gulf Times has learnt.“Such a feat is very much unheard of and speaks volumes about the hospital and its healthcare advancements,” Dr Iyabo Tinubu-Karch, CEO of Sidra Medicine said in an exclusive interview. Some of the clinical trials are already at advanced stages and the outcomes can be expected very soon.She explained : “We are doing Phase III clinical trials for congenital hyperinsulinemia with one of the pharmaceutical companies. Hyperinsulinemia results in too much insulin, resulting in decreasing the sugar level. It is a life-threatening situation and babies born with the disease can even die.”“As we are doing these trials, it will allow us to release the drug much earlier, even before the drug is released globally. So we are the first one in Phase III trials. And when you get to Phase III trials in clinical research, it means that the drug is going to be launched. We will be the first one who is doing this,” continued the official.Dr Iyabo Tinubu-Karch said that it is a huge achievement for Qatar. “It is not happening in the US, not Europe, but Qatar is doing it,” she stressed.The official noted that Sidra Medicine, over the last five years, has become a regional expert in precision medicine, the next generation of healthcare. “Precision medicine is essentially targeting specific therapies to specific people, based on unique information of that individual. We went with the research and now we are at the point to actually deliver diagnostic care. Because of our tripartite mission of research, education, and clinical care, we are now able to take care of those diseases,” she remarked.The CEO pointed out that Qatar and Sidra Medicine will be perfectly positioned to begin therapeutic solutions for the rare diseases. “And so it is an incredible trajectory. And the great thing is that it is not just Sidra Medicine. It is an ecosystem that has been fuelled by the Qatar Foundation and the incredible investment in research,” she highlighted.The official said that Sidra Medicine is expanding genetic services to do more genetic and diagnostic testing. "We can open up the testing to those who are now coming into Qatar for treatment. We are expanding our rehabilitative services and embracing artificial intelligence to drive our precision health research.”“10 years from now, Sidra Medicine will be a pioneer in the treatment of paediatric rare diseases and manufacturing groundbreaking gene therapy drugs,” added Dr Iyabo Tinubu-Karch.