Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Al Safadi stressed that his country continues to do everything it can to stop the barbaric Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip, the escalation in the illegal and illegal Israeli measures, the killings and terrorism of settlers in the West Bank, and confronting the extremist agenda that aims to ignite other fronts in addition to Gaza, the West Bank, and Lebanon.
Al Safadi said during a meeting with members of the Jordanian Parliamentary Financial Committee today that Jordan supports the call filed by South Africa against the Israeli entity in the International Court of Justice on charges of genocide and violating the 1948 Genocide Convention, and they are working on preparing the necessary legal file to follow up on this and coordinating with Arab and Islamic countries.
He stressed that the Israeli aggression against Gaza cannot be accepted as self-defense, as it is a brutal, barbaric aggression that will not achieve security for Israel or the region.
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