The Police Academy announced Tuesday the details of the graduation ceremony for the sixth batch of student candidates for the Police College, due to be held Thursday.Speaking at a press conference held at the Police Institute, vice-president of the Police Academy and Director of the Police College, Lt Col Fahd Saeed al-Subaie, noted that the graduation ceremony is held concurrently with the inauguration of the new building of the academy designed as per needs of the student candidates. He pointed out that the number of graduates of the sixth batch is 107 graduates, which is the largest batch for students from the sisterly Arab countries (Palestine, Jordan, Iraq, and Tunisia), and affirmed that the academy boasts of students from sisterly countries.Commenting on the military parade this year, Lt. Col. al-Subaie said the academy is accustomed to accepting challenges and presenting superb shows that receive public approbation, in addition to consolidating the academy's mantra represented in excellence and perfection. He pointed out that the shows will be stellar, whether they are silent shows, traditional military shows or words written by movements.During the ceremony, a show will be performed for the Police Officers of Tomorrow programme with the participation of 85 students whose ages range from 8 to 11, who were co-opted from last year's summer edition, Lt. Col. al-Subaie said. He added that the academy has sent invitations to several ministers from the countries of the Gulf Co-operation Council (GCC), a number of ministers in the Arab states, alongside heads of police colleges and institutes in Arab and friendly states who have ties with the academy to attend the aforementioned graduation ceremony.Director of the administrative and financial affairs at the Police Academy Major Abdullah Sultan al-Nuaimi underscored the significance of early attendance at the venue of the ceremony. The gates will be opening at 6am tomorrow, Jan 18, and closing at 8am. He pointed out that early attendance ensures traffic flow for the public and easy access to the areas designated for them.Three entry gates have been dedicated to the public, and the main gate entry is for VIP guests of those holding vehicles with gold licenses. Gate 2 is dedicated to those holding vehicles with green licenses, and Gate 3 is dedicated to those holding vehicles of light blue and dark blue licenses, al-Nuaimi said.He added that the entry of media professionals and event curators will be through the gate of the Police Institute, noting the importance of using the QR symbol available for each invitation to ensure that any person can arrive at the parking lot dedicated to him based on the symbol placed in the invitation card. He noted that security personnel and organisers will be available to help answer any potential inquiries.Commander of the sixth batch company Major Eid Bilheen al-Qahtani highlighted that the batch was admitted to the college in 2019. Candidates completed a four-year training that spanned multiple phases and included eight classes in which all candidates passed the military training, along with the academic curricula with the average of 130 accredited academic hours.Those classes, he added, were divided into legal and policing materials, as well as some optional materials, in addition to military training that was mainly divided into military and sports training. He outlined that the candidates passed 762 training hours with military infantry training in various stages, including regular infantry and weapon infantry, as well as sword and flag infantry, in addition to passing marksmanship in its multiple specialisations.He pointed out that the graduates passed 780 training hours in sports and self-defence, along with the professional courses, notably diving and snorkeling, thunderbolt, and skydiving, and with a total of 710 training hours, which all candidates successfully passed.
January 17, 2024 | 12:50 AM