Qatari football team Players are extremely cheerful and upbeat about winning over Tajikistan team 1-0 in the confrontation held within the second round of Group A.
The Qatari footballer Ahmed Fatehi said the match was not so easy, and that they won over a powerful and difficult team to top the group and qualify for the round of 16 following two rounds as the first qualifier in the tournament.
The Qatari squad eye the end of group stage with full symbol and high morality, he said, adding that the relationship among all footballers is strikingly perfect and represents deep harmonization among them, lauding the technical operation spearheaded by the Spanish coach Marquez Lopez.
Qatari attacker Ismail Mohamad said the game was technically incredible and was not easy, but they were punctual and performed well to win and qualify for the upcoming stage.
Team defender Tarek Salman affirmed that the squad demonstrated major prowess in Tajikistan match mentally after overcoming all difficulties encountered at the beginning of the clash, highlighting that the team scored the primary goal and qualified for the group after two rounds only, giving the players confidence in the upcoming confrontations.
Salman stressed the importance of maintaining these triumphs in the third match before China.
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