TotalEnergies EP Qatar hosts annual Health, Safety and Environment Forum
January 23, 2024 | 08:46 PM
TotalEnergies EP Qatar hosted its annual Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Forum recently, with a focus on embedding a ‘Speak Up’ culture that encourages transparency in safety-related communication.The event welcomed over 75 attendees from partner companies and contractors in the energy sector, including representatives from QatarEnergy, QatarEnergy LNG, Dolphin Energy, North Oil Company, and 17 of TotalEnergies’ contractors at Al-Khalij field.In his opening address, Mansur Zhakupov, managing director, TotalEnergies EP Qatar and country chair, emphasised the crucial role of partners and contractors in maintaining high safety performance in both operated and non-operated assets.He stated, "Embracing transparency is key to fostering a positive work and safety environment, where each individual, irrespective of their role, is encouraged to engage actively in safety-related discussions and initiatives”.Celebrating six years without any Lost Time Injury (LTI) at Al-Khalij in 2023 underscored this commitment and is the result of a joint effort and collective engagement for safety from Al-Khalij contractors and JV partners.Zhakupov noted, "it is essential to remain humble in our approach to Safety and engaged at all times, refusing any form of complacency”.He encouraged pursuing the efforts in cultivating a culture of reporting and learning from events, which contribute achieving the ultimate TotalEnergies’ objective of zero fatality.Zhakupov also reiterated the importance of ‘Speak Up’ and of the culture of transparency at all the levels of the organisation as the cornerstone of an integrated safety culture.Ali Shams-Eddine, Method and Quality manager at TotalEnergies EP Qatar, introduced an interactive workshop and dialogues highlighting the ‘Speak Up’ campaign.This initiative is aimed to promote a non-blame culture, and freedom of expression, encouraging open communication and active participation at all organisational levels.Discussions centred on key levers such as social and cultural dynamics, empowerment, knowledge sharing, feedback mechanisms, recognition, and training.Marie-Charlotte Alboussiere, vice-president (Health, Safety, Environment & Security) shared other notable achievements at Al-Khalij field, such as 1.5 years without any recordable injury and two years without any High Potential Incident (HIPO).She highlighted TotalEnergies EP Qatar ISO 50001 first certification and efforts deployed to decrease Al-Khalij Greenhouse gases (GHG) intensity down to "13 kgCO2eq/boe”."On top of our safety commitment, our ongoing efforts at Al-Khalij asset, as a responsible operator, include implementing a comprehensive Carbon Footprint Reduction (CFR) & Energy Performance roadmap, and globally reducing our footprint on environment. This includes for example programmes on Methane and on Biodiversity, which are crucial in enhancing our HSE standards alongside our partners and contractors,” Alboussiere stated.These efforts contribute to TotalEnergies' overall objectives of achieving zero fatalities, continuously reducing the Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR), and also minimising the impact of the activities on environment.
January 23, 2024 | 08:46 PM