MoECC events at Al Enna Camp create community awareness
The primarily aim was to raise visitors' awareness and to outline the general conditions of camping
January 29, 2024 | 11:48 PM
The Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (MoECC) held a broad range of events at the Al Enna Awareness Camp in Sealine which strikingly drew a huge crowd from various age groups, especially children who interacted with the activities. The event will ramp up on Friday.The camp primarily aims to raise the visitors' awareness and outline the general conditions of camping issued by MoECC and to raise the awareness on security and safety tips for camping. It included a range of contests and recreational programmes that helped children internalise numerous talents in addressing the crises, along with an awareness lecture delivered by the Ministry of Endowments and Islamic Affairs which addressed the significance of conserving the environment from the Islamic religion's perspective, as well as religious instructions pertaining to animal welfare and protecting plant diversity in the local habitat.The lecture cited numerous verses from the Holy Qur'an and the Prophetic Sunnah that urge the importance of caring for the environment components and steadily cleaning and nurturing them through planting of trees.Officers of the General Directorate of Civil Defence also organised a training workshop that generated detailed tips on the methods of fighting fires during the indoor and outdoor camping season and to save lives. They gave explanations about the best ways to control fire and ensure its stoppage, in addition to training the attendees and children on the correct methods of using fire extinguishers.On the other hand, Nomas Center was available at the camp and held a practical course on poetry within its keenness to help the children imbibe the values and culture of the Qatari identity and patrimony. This broadly addressed several inveterate customs and traditions of the people of Qatar, such as raising the children's awareness on Majlis etiquette, in terms of receiving and welcoming the guests, as well as making coffee.In addition, the Qatar Red Crescent Society (QRCS) presented an awareness lecture on the fundamental principles of first aid to impart ample knowledge and skills to the children on methods of using first aid that must be applied, in case of potential fire outbreak, in addition to the importance of carrying first aid backpack during indoor and outdoor trips, along with its role in saving lives when anything untoward happens and training them on methods of using first aid kits in case of any potential injuries.MoECC has been keen to strengthen the environmental awareness of all visitors to camps, to help them understand the proper practices that conserve and develop the environment, in addition to raising their awareness on the importance of avoiding wrong practices that cause damage to the local habitat.The events featured a special section for the patrimonial popular crafts by showcasing an array of old handcrafts reminiscent of the history of Qatar.
January 29, 2024 | 11:48 PM