The State of Qatar has reaffirmed its commitment to promoting the values of equality, combating racism, fostering tolerance, and encouraging acceptance of others. It has also emphasized the measures it has taken to ensure a safe, pluralistic societal environment free from tension, hatred, and discrimination. This commitment stems from the countrys firm belief that racism and racial discrimination are violations of all international and national charters and norms. It also noted that its population currently includes individuals from over 80 countries, representing various ethnicities, religions, and cultural backgrounds.This came in a statement delivered by Sheikh Sultan bin Khalid Al-Thani, who serves as the Second Secretary of Qatars Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office in Geneva, during a session commemorating the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination and the 60th Anniversary of the Adoption of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, held under item 9 of the agenda of the 58th session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva.He noted that, even 60 years after the adoption of the Convention, the principles and standards it set forth continue to serve as a cornerstone in addressing many of the challenges the world faces today, especially as new and evolving forms of racism and discrimination continue to affect specific segments of society based on their nationality, ethnicity, or religion.He also highlighted the daily violations faced by migrants, refugees, and minority groups, including threats to their very right to life, due to hate speech and hostile behavior directed at them.He added that the State of Qatar established the Doha International Center for Interfaith Dialogue, which is dedicated to promoting a culture of dialogue and encouraging peaceful coexistence and mutual acceptance among followers of different religions and civilizations.