The Investment Office of the Presidency of the Republic of Turkiye in Doha held Tuesday a seminar on trade and investment opportunities in Turkiye agro-food industry with the participation of a number of major Turkish companies.
The event, in collaboration with the Turkish Embassy in Doha was held at the Congress Centre at Expo 2023 Doha. Speaking on the occasion, ambassador Dr Mustafa Goksu stressed that Turkiye gives a great importance to agriculture and food industry investment and it is one of the fastest growing business sectors.
"Qatar is a key investor in this sector in Turkiye and there is a brighter prospective for cooperation between the two friendly countries," he said while thanking the organisers of Expo 2023 Doha for facilitating the seminar, which would facilitate some Turkish companies to reach out to potential investors from Qatar and further strengthen the business relations between investors from both countries.
The Embassy of Turkiye in Doha has two commercial attaches, commercial councilors and other senior officers that are ready to help anyone who want to explore the investment opportunities in Turkiye, he added.
Abdullah Deniz, country advisor, Presidency of Turkiye Investment Office, Doha, described the event as a testament to the strong bilateral ties and collaborative efforts between Turkiye and Qatar.
Dr Halit Duran, project manager, Presidency of Turkiye Investment Office, Doha, said that besides the high number of local consumers, the Turkish market provides free and easy access to around 1bn consumers across the European Market, the GCC countries and North Africa and the Middle East.
In addition, Turkiye ranks among the highest agriculture and agro-food production and exports in 2022 for various fruits, vegetables and nuts, and other processed products. Turkiye has arable land with seven climate zones suitable for various types of crops. Accordingly, agro-food export makes up around 11% Turkiye exports recently. Further, he stressed that the government provides investors with various lucrative incentives in this field.
Sinem Eglenen, Turkish commercial counsellor, said that Qatari agriculture investments in Turkiye are set for a much brighter future and are set to grow to up to $55bn in bilateral trade value between the two friendly countries by 2030. She stressed that there are excellent opportunities for joint-ventures between Qatari and Turkish companies in this field to mutually benefit from the fast-growing agriculture and agro-food sector in Turkiye, building on the already strong and distinguished relations among them.
A number of Turkish entrepreneurs gave brief presentations on their companies' activities and what they would offer to potential investors. At the conclusion of the event, the participants were given the opportunity to get introduced to each other directly and explore possible ways of mutual cooperation.
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