Qatar University’s (QU) Young Scientists Center (YSC) launched the second cycle of its ‘STEM in Sports’ workshop, designed for 10th and 11th grade students in public schools. About 100 students participated in the exercise which aligns with the Qatar National Vision 2030, aiming to enhance students' knowledge and skills in STEM fields while exploring the relationship between technology and sports, especially artificial intelligence (AI).
The workshop emphasises hands-on activities; students learn about the latest technologies and can apply them. Students will present AI-based projects to address challenges in the sports field. This project will allow students to combine their theoretical knowledge with practical skills, leading to the development of innovative and practical solutions.
One of the highlights of the workshops is that students get the opportunity to learn and apply cutting-edge technology, such as 3D printing, for creating innovative sports equipment. They will visit the YSC lab at QU for practical training on 3D printing. Students are also assigned to design and produce 3D models and PowerPoint presentations, which will be presented in a final event. The goal of the competition is to recognise the most creative and high-quality projects.
Prof Noora Jabor al-Thani, YSC director stressed that the workshop is an important step towards achieving Qatar National Vision 2030 and offers students a unique opportunity to develop their passion and skills in STEM fields, especially by using AI tackle sports-related problems.
"YSC is committed to providing an exceptional educational platform that helps students reach the highest levels of excellence in these vital fields. This commitment enhances their roles as active members and future leaders in society," she added.
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