The Qatar Research, Development and Innovation (QRDI) Council has concluded its ‘8th Corporate Innovation Leaders Programme’ (CILP), a comprehensive four-day training event designed to provide corporate leaders with the essential tools and strategies needed to drive business growth and foster innovation.Held in collaboration with Alchemist Accelerator, a renowned global accelerator for corporate startups, the programme gathered a diverse group of corporate leaders, including executives, strategists, and innovators.Aysha Abdulhameed al-Mudahka, RDI Programme Director at QRDI Council, said: “As we wrap up the eighth edition of this programme, we are thrilled to see an increasing number of participants with total of 236 acquiring the tools and expertise necessary to drive innovation within their organizations. This not only promotes innovation within the country but also significantly contributes to achieving Qatar National Vision 2030.”Throughout the four-day event, participants engaged in a series of sessions designed to nurture innovation and tackle corporate challenges. These included workshops on cultivating a growth mindset, overcoming corporate obstacles, and exploring innovation modules. The first day featured exclusive workshops addressing innovation challenges, focusing on opportunity identification and prioritisation.A panel discussion featuring insights from industry experts on ‘Building a Culture of Innovation’ was a highlight on the third day of the training programme, creating an enthusiastic and engaged atmosphere among participants. Attendees were inspired by successful innovators who shared their experiences and lessons learned, providing valuable insights to motivate and guide future endeavours.Participants in the QRDI Council's Corporate Innovation Leaders Programme gain access to numerous benefits, including entry into Alchemist's exclusive network of global corporate innovators, startup founders, and venture capitalists.Additionally, through QRDI Council’s Qatar Open Innovation (QOI) Programme, Large Local Enterprises (LLEs) participating in the CILP partner with QRDI Council as “Opportunities' Owners”, gaining access to a diverse pool of innovators and solution providers, including MNCs, SMEs, and startups, to collaborate with them to develop solutions based on best practices in open innovation on a global scale.QRDI Council has effectively collaborated with 236 leaders and 35 LLEs in Qatar, including Qatar Airways, Qatar Shiypyard, Qterminal, Qatar Insurance Group, Aspire Zone, Ooredoo, Barzan Holding, Kahramaa, Milaha, Al Jazeera, Es'hailsat, Qatar Musuems, Baladna, Hamad International Airport, Qatar Media City, GWC, Qapco, Msheireb Qatar, and HMC. The council's growing list of partners demonstrates its dedication to empowering all entities in Qatar to become active players in an ecosystem characterised by innovation.