Bilateral relationship between Qatar and the European Union and the country’s Third National Development Strategy were at the centre stage of a high-level meeting held at the Ministry of Finance on Sunday.
The meeting was chaired by HE the Minister of Finance Ali bin Ahmed al- Kuwari in the presence of ambassadors from 19 European countries and the ambassador of the European Union to Qatar.
The meeting was also attended by several senior officials from the two sides.
The session was held to mainly to discuss Third National Development Strategy as part of Qatar National Vision 2030 and the important axes on which the strategy was built, such as sustainable economic growth and financial sustainability.
The meeting also reviewed the frameworks of bilateral relationship in the fields of investment, finance and economy, between Qatar and EU member states, and opportunities to expand this framework.
In his welcome address, al-Kuwari mentioned the results Qatar already achieved and the significant progress in each of the areas in the “previous two phases” of QNV 2030, especially with regard to the financial dimension and the quality of life.
He said, “The Third National Development Strategy includes ambitious goals aimed at achieving further progress, which is what the State of Qatar is working on to focus and mobilise efforts.”
The relationship between Qatar and the EU are characterised by close ties that are built on the basis of closer co-operation between the two parties in the long term. These are realised through official meetings, exchange of visits, and organising events in various fields.