National carrier Qatar Airways will introduce new First Class cabins on some of its fleet, as part of several major new developments with innovation as the key pillar, a statement Friday from the airline said."This is a new era," Qatar Airways Group chief executive officer engineer Badr Mohammed al-Meer said in an exclusive interview with CNBC, his first since being appointed to the position.His strategy for the airline includes pioneering innovation in digital technologies, products, fleet growth and employee engagement as Qatar Airways continues its global expansion, it was explained."Based on the demand from certain sectors, we see a high demand for First Class, and as such, have decided to introduce a newly-designed First Class cabin unique to Qatar Airways," engineer al-Meer stated."No one can develop a First Class cabin better than us – we are combining the experience of flying commercial and executive jets to develop something new. We are 70 to 80% ready and are only finalising colours. We are hoping to announce it soon.”Engineer al-Meer further revealed Qatar Airways’ redesign of its premium Qsuite set to debut at the Farnborough International Airshow in July 2024. Qatar Airways' award-winning Qsuite Business Class challenged industry norms when it was launched in 2017, and continues to be a benchmark for the aviation industry.Qatar Airways GCEO also stated that the competitive aviation landscape in the GCC region is helping raise the bar when it comes to customer experience. He stated that the pressure is on for potential rivals, and he welcomes any challenge for Qatar Airways. He remains confident in Qatar Airways continuing to hold onto its market leading position in the future to outshine any competition.Engineer al-Meer also underlined the ways in which digital innovation is helping drive organisational efficiencies, as the airline continues to announce new routes in growth markets including China and India, further enhancing Qatar’s position as a gateway to the world.Qatar Airways currently serves over 170 global destinations, and will soon launch inaugural flights to Hamburg and Tashkent, and resumed flights to Lisbon and Venice. Qatar Airways will also resume several summer seasonal routes, including Adana, Antalya, Bodrum, Marrakesh, Mykonos, Sarajevo, and Trabzon.Engineer al-Meer was appointed Group CEO in November 2023, and he immediately focused on introducing innovative programmes to benefit both passengers and the airline’s global 60,000 strong workforce. In his first message to employees, he stressed the importance of cultivating trust and empowerment in the work culture. Under his leadership, various workplace initiatives have been successfully introduced that continue to improve employee satisfaction, the statement added.
March 15, 2024 | 08:35 PM