Through its campaign “Ahlan Oral Health”, Oral Health Promotion & Prevention Department at Primary Health Care Corporation (PHCC) is raising awareness among women about the crucial role of oral and dental health in well-being during pregnancy.

Dr Reem Talib, consultant family medicine, PHCC’s Al Sadd Health Centre, said that hormonal changes during pregnancy increase the risk of women developing oral and dental diseases.

According to scientific research, pregnant women are twice as likely to experience tooth decay and gingivitis, particularly during the second trimester. Globally, this issue affects 40 to 50% of expecting mothers, causing dental and gum problems and pain.

Pregnancy-related oral and dental issues are not only caused by hormonal changes, but also by factors such as nausea, vomiting, decreased saliva flow, dietary changes, and lack of proper oral hygiene. Gum diseases during pregnancy have been associated with negative consequences like premature birth or low infant birth weight. Additionally, failing to address dental infections and leaving them untreated during pregnancy may result in a higher risk of infection, pre-eclampsia, and miscarriage.

A link has also been found between oral diseases in expectant mothers and early tooth decay in their children, often due to the transfer of bacteria responsible for dental and gum inflammation from the mother's mouth to the child's.

Dr Talib explained that that it is important for pregnant women to maintain a balanced diet to avoid gum and dental problems. During pregnancy, it is crucial for the mother to meet her calcium needs by consuming calcium-rich foods such as milk and its derivatives like yogurt, cheese, and green leafy vegetables. She also advised pregnant women to include fruits, vegetables, grains, meats, fish, and eggs rich in vitamins in a balanced diet, while avoiding sugar and sweets as much as possible. A balanced diet positively impacts the natural growth of the foetus, particularly during the sixth week of pregnancy when tooth development begins.

Dr Talib emphasised the importance of addressing oral health during pregnancy with a family doctor and visiting a dentist during pregnancy or even prior to conception to maintain mouth and teeth health and prevent any potential complications that could arise during pregnancy, potentially causing harm to both the mother and her baby.
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