Apple plans to launch Vision Pro virtual reality headset for its customers in global markets outside the United States shortly.
According to Bloomberg in a recent report, Apple has begun organizing training courses in recent days, relocating hundreds of employees from its international stores to Cupertino, California, where it has its official headquarters, to train them on how to deliver the product to customers, noting that the four-day training takes place, and the training began last week, citing sources familiar with the company.
Apple seeks to attract the attention of its customers in different countries to the spectacles with its price rise starting at $3,500 and lack of available apps, as well as the increased negative feedback the company received after making it available to customers within the United States.
Bloomberg explained that there has been a significant decline in headsets demand within the United States, with some Apple stores selling only two units of headsets per week on average, and the rate of headsets demonstrations also declining after considerable initial attention. According to the report, some customers sign up to go to headsets offers at Apple stores, but they don't attend.
Apple is increasing the demand for headsets by promoting them electronically, questioning staff after presentations to understand why glasses are not purchased by interested customers.
VisionOS is expected to receive an additional boost with the launch of the second version of its VisionOS operating system next June, coinciding with the expansion of its availability in more countries.
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