The Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MoEHE) is working on special programmes for university students.

Fatima al-Saadi, Director of the Special Education and Inclusive Education Department at the ministry, told local Arabic daily Arrayah that the programmes will be implemented in co-operation with the universities.

New programmes will be implemented to ensure the right to education policy for persons with disabilities.

She noted the ways of employing students with disabilities after completing secondary education and making them capable of overcoming physical challenges are discussed with the National Employment Platform (Kwader), which is an electronic recruitment platform targeting job seekers.

She pointed out that various types of support are provided to students with disabilities starting with educational support through teachers and co-ordinators, as well as training and rehabilitation support towards acquiring various skills.

Also, psychological support is given in case of behavioural challenges, especially for students with autism. This is in addition to financial support for students and the integration of special schools.

Regarding expansion plans for schools for people with disabilities, al-Saadi said the department is constantly working towards expanding schools according to population density data, the geographical area and the numbers and needs of students enrolled in those schools.