Multilateralism and international co-operation can catalyse effective counterterrorism activities, an expert has said at the Global Security Forum. While delivering the high-level remarks on the theme ‘Countering Terrorism in the Context of Strategic Competition’ at the Global Security Forum on Monday, Andhika Chrisnayudhanto, Deputy for International Co-operation, National Counter-Terrorism Agency of Indonesia, said that his country believes in the spirit of multilateralism and international co-operation.
“Multilateralism has been advocated by the UN since the adoption of the Global Counter Terrorism Strategy. It focuses on combating and preventing terrorism, assisting states and supporting the efforts to counter terrorism activities and ensure human rights implementation,” he said.
“The UN 2016 Plan of Action to Prevent Violent Extremism draws on national and international insights into violent extremism and associated programs. It intends to strengthen international co-operation and national capacities to address the threat of terrorism,” he noted, adding that states are obligated to tackle the threat of terrorism to prevent funding and garner international co-operation by sharing information.
Multilateral co-operation, Chrisnayudhanto said, has yielded results in tackling international terrorism. “The influence of terrorism receded in South East Asia due to intervention and strict counter terrorism measures put in place.”
He noted that the presence of ideological influence of terrorist and extremist groups in various parts of the world is worrisome while their operational and tactical influence of creating new alliances is posing a threat to global peace.
“When it comes to the challenges of terrorism, we are still not out of the woods,” he said. He underlined the need to form a common agenda and find avenues for co-operation and collective action to pursue a shared interest in tackling terrorism threats.
“International co-operation will be the prerequisite of peace, security, stability and prosperity,” he said.

Andhika Chrisnayudhanto