‘Hunger-Free World’, the ongoing social welfare programme by Malabar Group to provide nutritious daily meals to the needy, will be expanded to cover more people and cities. At present, as many as 31,000 food packets are distributed under the programme, initiated to support the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goal 2 - Zero Hunger.

As part of scaling up, 51,000 nutritious food packets will now be distributed on a daily basis.

The expansion plan was officially flagged off by P S Sreedharan Pillai, governor of Goa, at the World Hunger Day event at Malabar Group headquarters in Kerala, India.

M P Ahammed, Malabar Group chairman, presided over the function.

At present the programme is implemented in 37 cities spread across 16 states including union territories, apart from a few centres in the Gulf countries.

As part of the expansion, the programme will now cover 70 cities in 16 states. Besides, the group also plans to launch the same programme for school children in Zambia.

“There are still plenty of people around us who are struggling to secure at least one square meal a day. We launched this programme as a small hand of help to those governments and agencies working hard to eliminate hunger from our world,” said Ahammed.

As part of the Hunger Free World initiative, modern kitchens have been set up in different places to prepare nutritious food in a hygienic environment by skilled chefs.

The volunteers of Malabar Group identify the needy people in the streets and urban suburbs and bring the food packets to their doorsteps.
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