Amid Yemen’s cholera resurgence, Qatar Red Crescent Society (QRCS) officials visited health facilities in Hajjah Governorate to prepare for a three-month emergency cholera response intervention for 7,536 beneficiaries.

Pegged at $33,000, the project seeks to improve cholera prevention and treatment services and help reduce infection and mortality rates by supporting initial response efforts of providing medications, medical supplies, health education, and health workers’ remunerations.

Oral rehydration corners/therapy will be created at five medical facilities in Mabyan District to provide emergency epidemic response, a QRCS statement said.

The cholera upsurge comes at a time when the country’s health sector is collapsing with a severe shortage of medical equipment and medications, causing epidemic and disease outbreaks.

Recently, UN officials expressed deep concern about the rapidly escalating cholera outbreak, with more than 40,000 cases in total and over 160 deaths year-to-date. Heavy rains and flooding are expected to make the situation even worse.

According to a report issued by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, the number of suspected cases is as many as 1,000 daily. The report expects the number of infections to jump to 255,000 by September.

The World Health Organisation warns against Cholera can kill within hours if left untreated, noting that it is a water-borne disease affecting people with inadequate access to safe water and basic sanitation.
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