The embassy of Malaysia in Qatar organised the ‘Malaysia Truly Asia: Food Culture’ event yesterday in the country, featuring an array of authentic Malaysian dishes – nominated to be included in the Unesco List of Intangible Cultural Heritage.

Speaking at the event, Malaysian ambassador Zamshari Shaharan highlighted the significance of the celebration, saying it marks the 50th anniversary of bilateral relations between Qatar and Malaysia.

The envoy said the event aims to raise awareness of Malaysian food culture, particularly the Malaysian breakfast culture.

To achieve this, he noted that the embassy partnered with Doha-based Malaysian chefs – an initiative that aligns with the government’s goal of fostering synergies between the Malaysian community in Qatar and the embassy to promote Malaysia in the country.

The nomination of delicious Malaysian dishes like nasi lemak, roti canai, and teh tarik to the Unesco List of Intangible Cultural Heritage forms part of Malaysia’s effort to boost its visibility internationally as a food lover’s delight. The country seeks to establish itself as a diverse tourist destination with a rich array of culinary traditions.

The event was a feast for the senses, featuring live demonstrations of the art of roti canai making. This beloved Malaysian flatbread, recently crowned the world’s best by TasteAtlas, enthralled attendees with its rich history and culinary artistry.

Roti canai’s journey through time reflects the vibrant blend of cultures that shaped Malaysia's food scene, resulting in a dish as diverse and layered as its own dough.

Guests were also treated to the spectacle of teh tarik preparation. This popular hot milk tea, brewed with strong black tea and condensed milk, is known for its unique “pulling” technique.

Adding to the cultural immersion, attendees had the chance to experience the traditional wrapping of nasi lemak.

This fragrant rice dish, cooked in coconut milk and pandan leaf, is a staple in Malaysia and neighbouring Malay communities. Served in banana leaves, nasi lemak embodies the essence of a typical Malay breakfast, a testament to the region’s rich culinary heritage.

Malaysia, a country rich in cultural, religious, and linguistic diversity, is celebrated for its wide array of culinary traditions. This melting pot of influences has produced a symphony of flavours, making Malaysian cuisine a beloved global delicacy.

The nation’s cuisine reflects its rich history. Migrations, colonial influences, and its strategic location have all contributed to a fascinating fusion of flavours. Malay, Chinese, Indian, and indigenous Bornean and Orang Asli traditions form the foundation, enriched by culinary influences from Arab, Portuguese, Dutch, and British cuisines.
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