Qatar Islamic Bank (QIB) has reinforced its dedication to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) by organising a ‘No Tobacco’ awareness day for its employees at its headquarters. The initiative was conducted in partnership with Qatar Cancer Society and Hamad Medical Corporation to educate participants on the risks associated with tobacco use through an informative session outlining the dangers and offering practical strategies for quitting smoking. Additionally, QIB facilitated rapid CO2 tests, allowing employees to check their blood carbon dioxide levels.

QIB also initiated a social media campaign on Instagram, incorporating polls and informative posts on the topic. This initiative objective is to encourage responsible behaviour and create health awareness within the broader community, emphasising the harmful effects of secondhand smoke on children.

Mashaal Abdulaziz al-Derham, assistant general manager, head of Corporate Communications & Quality Assurance at QIB, stated: “At QIB, we believe in the profound impact of Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives on both our organisation and the Qatari society. Our commitment and actions extend beyond financial services; it encompasses our responsibility to promote health, well-being, and sustainability.

“By participating in events like the World No Tobacco Day, we channel our dedication to fostering healthier communities and driving positive change. We appreciate our team for participating in these activities, as we understand that raising awareness about the dangers of tobacco and encouraging cessation are crucial steps toward achieving a healthier and more sustainable future."
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