Qatar participated on Thursday in the 18th meeting of the first working group on the revision of the charter and development of the intellectual framework for the joint Arab action system, at the headquarters of the Arab League General Secretariat in Cairo at the level of permanent delegates.

Acting charge d'affaires of Qatar's Permanent Mission to the Arab League Maryam Al Shibi represented the State at the meeting.

Chaired by Saudi Arabia, the meeting comes in implementation of the decision of the recent Arab Summit in Bahrain to complete the study of the development and modernisation of the Arab League.

This first working group on the revision of the charter and development of the intellectual framework for the joint Arab Action Organsation is one of the four working groups emanating from the open-ended committee for the reform and development of the Arab League, each concerned with a part of the development and reform of joint Arab action, including the development of the Arab League's organs, the economic and social action, and the popular dimension.

The four groups are scheduled to submit reports on the results of their work to the upcoming 162nd Council of the Arab League at the ministerial level.
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