Qatar University (QU) has announced the successful oral defence of the first two theses from the Master of Science in Health Professions Education programme. The graduates, Abdulla Ahmad AH Yousuf and Dania Ihsan Walid Alkhiyami, demonstrated exceptional dedication and scholarly achievement in their respective research areas, a statement said.

Dr Mashael al-Shafai, director of Graduate Studies at QU, emphasised the programme's unique approach: “The MSc HPE programme stands out for its focus on a multidisciplinary approach to health professions education. This innovative curriculum equips graduates with the skills and knowledge needed to navigate the complexities of the modern healthcare environment.”

Abdulla Ahmad AH Yousuf, under the guidance of supervisor Prof Dr Derek Stewart, explored ‘Health Professionals Approaches to Breaking Bad News in the Eastern Mediterranean Region.’ His work included a scoping review followed by a qualitative study aimed at enhancing and exploring the experiences of breaking bad news. The committee members, Dr Ahsan Sethi, Dr Tanya Kane, and Dr Abderrezzaq Soltani, provided invaluable support throughout the research process. The external examination was conducted by Prof Hossam Hamdy, professor of Surgery/Medical Education and chancellor of Gulf Medical University, UAE.

Meanwhile, Dania Ihsan Walid Alkhiyami, under the supervision of Dr Muhammad Abdul Hadi, delved into ‘Perceptions of Pharmacy Students and Clinical Preceptors on Feedback during Experiential Learning.’ Her comprehensive study involved a scoping review followed by qualitative research to explore perspectives on feedback within pharmacy education. Dr Ahsan Sethi served as a committee member, and the external examination was conducted by Prof Mirza Raffiullah Baig, professor of Clinical Pharmacy, Dubai Pharmacy College, Dubai, UAE.

The Health Professions Education programme at QU is the first of its kind, providing an innovative and learner-centred curriculum. Dr Ahsan Sethi, the founding programme coordinator, and associate professor, expressed pride in the programme's evolution from inception to graduation. He remarked: “It is a significant achievement to witness our first graduates successfully defending their theses today. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to Dr Mashael al-Shafai, director of Graduate Studies, and Prof Dr Feras Alali, associate dean of Research and Graduate Studies, for their continuous encouragement and guidance throughout this journey.”
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