The Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MoEHE) has announced the opening of registration for government scholarships for the academic year 2024-2025.

This is an opportunity for students to obtain scholarships for the undergraduate and postgraduate levels, starting from Saturday, until August 15.

The ministry issued the new scholarship plan, which includes a list of universities, programmes, tracks, specialisations, and regulations for the bachelor's programme, which requires an unconditional acceptance letter from one of the universities on the scholarship list.

The plan also includes the high school certificate, and the transcript in the event of applying to join.

For postgraduate studies, the applicant must submit the following documents: an unconditional acceptance letter from one of the universities listed on the scholarship list with a graduation certificate for the previous certificate or its equivalence, in addition to the material statement for the previous certificate.

The ministry called on those who wish to have more information to view the link for the government scholarship plan: