The Georgetown University in Qatar (GU-Q), network has been instrumental in the success of initiatives such as Strategy Hub, an innovative Qatari consultancy, say the founders of the consultancy.

GU-Q alumni, Amna al-Thani and Haajerah Khan launched ‘Strategy Hub’ in 2022 to harness local expertise to solve Qatar's complex challenges. Al-Thani, the company’s CEO, says she learned about the importance of developing homegrown strategies during her study of international affairs at GU-Q. “Having a nuanced understanding of the context of Qatar and a personal stake in the country’s success leads to lasting solutions,” she explained.

Al-Thani and Khan have assembled a talented team of GU-Q graduates and current students who share their passion for changing the world. Al-Thani emphasized: “As a values-driven, women-led organisation, Strategy Hub’s purpose is to create a positive impact on both public and private institutions in Qatar. We prioritise growth, learning, and upholding the highest standards of integrity and accountability.”

According to Khan, Strategy Hub’s managing director, the synergy within the team comes from a shared understanding of excellence and service. “We all have a very similar way of thinking, a similar way of identifying problems and solutions. It’s a dynamic, fun environment. And we all want to help Qatar’s development in any way we can.”

By combining global perspectives with local solutions, Strategy Hub fills a crucial gap in Qatar’s consultancy market. Their expertise spans public policy, international affairs, sustainability, and communications, allowing them to deliver evidence-based solutions to high-profile clients.

Strategy Hub is cultivating a new generation of consultants in Qatar and helping to launch the careers of other Georgetown graduates.

GU-Q alumna, Leen al-Rabbat, one of Strategy Hub’s first employees, connected immediately with the company’s mission: “Strategy Hub embodies the Georgetown spirit of combining ambition with the passion to contribute to the world and to be a part of global change.”
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