The Doha Chapter of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) recently held an event "Corporate Finance – Trend and Technologies", which attracted more than 100 finance professionals from leading organisations across various sectors.

Kamlesh Tibrewal, the chairperson, opened the meeting by welcoming the members and providing a brief overview of past events as well as the upcoming events scheduled for the next few months.

Kanhaiya Rathi, founder and chief executive officer of Aspire Cap, delivered a presentation on "Capitalise on M&A (merger and acquisition) to Grow Your Business".

He simplified the concept of M&A from the perspectives of both buyers and sellers, highlighting essential factors such as cultural compatibility and retention of senior management for successful integration, alongside other financial aspects.

Amit Desai, executive consultant at Visa Inc, discussed the future of payment methods and the continuous growth of the credit card industry, addressing the challenges the industry faces and the solutions implemented to enhance the customer experience.

Both sessions were followed by extensive Q&A segments, allowing attendees to gain a deeper understanding of the respective topics.

Executive member Rajesh Singh concluded the event with a vote of thanks.
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