A number of youth centres under the Ministry of Sports and Youth have launched their summer programmes featuring a variety of sports and creative activities throughout holidays.

Speaking to local Arabic daily Arrayah, managers of a number of youth centres explained that these activities suit various age categories of young people, with a focus on enhancing their creative capabilities.

Hamad al-Muhannadi, manager of Al Thakhira Youth Centre, said its summer programme, from July 1 to September 1 will include various activities and events including esports tournaments. In co-operation with Qatar Sports For All Federation, training will be organised for the centre's members in different sport events.

The external activities include a visit to Qatar Olympic and Sports Museum, and a kayaking trip. The centre will also organise two training courses on the etiquette of Majlis (lounge gatherings), and the Qatari Arda (folk dance).

Al-Muhannadi pointed out that the centre gives special focus to engage people with special needs in its programmes and to co-operate with the entities concerned in this regard. The centre will also organise a number of lectures on cyber security and the safe use of the internet.

Sheikh Abdulaziz bin Abdulrahman al-Thani, manager of Barzan Youth Centre, said a variety of programmes for boys and girls will be held from July 1-August 10, including workshops, camps, trips and training courses. These include around 70% entertainment, 15% values and ethics and 15% focus on acquiring skills.

There will be a special focus on football, swimming, taekwondo, and some religious lectures as well. The centre will also have some programmes to engage those with special needs to enhance their skills and capabilities in various fields.
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