Philippine ambassador Lillibeth V Pono has highlighted the critical need for safe, secure, reliable, and cost-efficient remittance processes at a roundtable discussion on remittances, migration, and development at the UN House in Lusail.

The event, organised by the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) and the embassy of Haiti in Qatar, marked the commemoration of the International Day of Family Remittances (IDFR).

Pono underlined the significant impact of remittances on individual beneficiaries and the destination countries' overall economies.

She stressed the importance of financial literacy to ensure that remittances reach their intended recipients and contribute to long-term financial security and growth.

The IDFR, a key mechanism of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, recognises the crucial economic role of remittances and acknowledges the sacrifices often made by migrant workers and their families.

The United Nations emphasises that the IDFR “highlights the economic impact of remittances on households, communities, and nations, and recognises the sacrifice, separation and generosity often involved”.
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