Bazm-e-Urdu Qatar, described as the oldest literary association in Qatar and established in 1959, held a symposium on classic Urdu literature, attended by enthusiasts, poets, and writers from the local community.

Presided over by Prof Ghazanfar Ali, an academic, writer, and poet from India, the symposium offered many intellectual discussions and literary presentations.

Prof Ali, renowned for his scholarly contributions to Urdu literature, led the event with his essay on the noted classical Urdu poet Mir Taqi Mir.

Known for his unique style of diction, Mir is a pivotal figure in Urdu poetry, often considered the greatest poet or one of the best poets of Urdu. Prof Ali's article delved into Mir's life, poetic style, and influence on subsequent generations of Urdu poets and Urdu poetry.

The symposium had Dr Obaid Iqbal Asim, a researcher and writer, as the chief guest. His presentation focused on the legendary poet Mirza Ghalib, whose work continues to resonate with readers across the Urdu world.

Dr Asim provided an in-depth analysis of Ghalib's poetry in a unique context, emphasising his innovative use of metaphors and philosophical insights. Ghalib's ability to blend classical and modern elements in his poetry has been a source of fascination for Urdu poetry enthusiasts. The symposium discussed Mir and Ghalib's literary genius and appreciated the timeless relevance of their work.

The symposium concluded with a humorous sketch presented by Bazm's chairman Dr Faisal Hanif, on the characteristics of general secretary, Iftekhar Raghib, a celebrated Doha-based poet and writer.

Those present included Bazm's president Mohammed Rafique Shad Akolvi, Halqa Adab-e-Islami president Muzaffar Nayab, Mansoor Azemi, Wazir Ahmed Wazir, Fayaz Bukhari Kamal, Waseem Ahmed, Jamshed Ansari, Abdul Majeed, Wasif Ahmed, Irshad Ahmed, and Pakistan Arts Society general secretary Adeel Akbar.

The symposium highlighted the rich heritage of classical Urdu literature and served as a platform for intellectual exchange.

Akolvi, in his remarks, emphasised the importance of such gatherings in fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of Urdu literature among the community.

Raghib echoed similar sentiments, commended the speakers for their valuable contributions, and thanked the attendees for their enthusiastic participation.

Professor Ali and Dr Asim appreciated Bazm's initiative in organising the event. Bazm's treasurer and media secretary Irshad Ahmed proposed a vote of thanks.

Over six decades, Bazm has hosted hundreds of events, including mushairas, seminars, symposiums, study circles, and literary workshops, a statement added.
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