Arab League has condemned in strongest terms the decisions taken by the Israeli occupation government to withdraw the powers from the Palestinian authority in "B" areas and initiate the settlement construction in various regions across the West Bank.

It considered these decisions as a complete and final overthrow of the Oslo Accords, a return to square one, and consolidation of the logic of blatant occupation.

In a statement on Saturday, Secretary-General of the Arab League Ahmed Aboul Gheit called on international community to expose the real practices of the Israeli government for what it is doing as a right-wing racist government which is not interested in peace, but rather seeks to dismantle any semblance of the Palestinian authority, solidify the reality of occupation throughout the West Bank, in addition to stripping Palestinians of any control over their lives, including in Area B that falls under the Palestinian civil control according to the Oslo Accords.

Aboul Gheit highlighted that the latest Israeli decisions lay bare the full subjugation of the Israeli occupation government to the far-right bloc represented by the Israeli Minister of Finance. He stressed that these decisions primarily intend to embarrass and humiliate the international community, adding that the Israeli far-right pursued a trajectory that sharply contrasts with the recognition of the Palestinian statehood through undermining all elements of the two-state solution.

Such decisions and measures will fan the flames of the situation in the West bank and reverse the situation to the era before the Oslo Accords, Aboul Gheit stressed, emphasizing that these decisions seek to vanquish the Palestinians to be controlled by a direct occupation regime that can only be branded as apartheid.

On Thursday, the Israeli occupation government endorsed the legitimization of five settlement outposts in the West Bank in a prelude to build thousands of new settlement units across the Bank.
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