Rawabi Hypermarket has partnered with Al Rayyan Municipality to launch a food safety awareness campaign. The campaign, held at the Conference Theatre in Al Rayyan Municipality, aims to raise awareness among the public on the importance of food safety and proper food handling practices.

The event was inaugurated by Jaber Hasan Aljaber, general manager of Rayyan Municipality, Ajmal Abdulla, executive director of Al Rawabi Group, Zinab Srteb H al-Shammari, head of Health Section at Rayyan Municipality, and Kannu Baker, group general manager, Al Rawabi Group. Additionally, Dr Tamer Hasan Etman, Dr Abdalkader Burhan Fyad, and the heads of departments at Rawabi Hypermarket were present at the event.

The campaign focuses on educating Rawabi Group's staff and the wider community on the best practices for food safety, emphasising the proper handling, storage, and preparation of food to prevent contamination and ensure public health. Key points discussed included the importance of maintaining clean and sanitary kitchen environments, proper cooking temperatures to kill harmful bacteria, and safe food storage techniques to prevent spoilage and cross-contamination. Dr Tamer Hasan Etman provided a detailed session on these critical aspects, enhancing the audience's understanding and awareness of food safety protocols.

Aljaber stated, "We are committed to ensuring the health and safety of our community. This campaign is a critical step in educating the public about food safety, which is essential for preventing foodborne illnesses and promoting overall well-being."

Al Rawabi Group’s Abdulla, emphasised, "At Rawabi Group, we prioritise the health and safety of our customers. Partnering with Al Rayyan Municipality for this Food Safety Awareness Campaign allows us to reinforce our commitment to quality and safety in every aspect of our operations."
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