It seems from the current global reality where interests collide and exchange, and power maps vary in foreign policy and international relations, the emergence of soft power as an effective tool to achieve political and strategic objectives is inevitable, expanding influence without military force. Its strength lies in its ability to influence and attract others through its tools, which include an appealing culture, enlightened media open to various opinions, advanced technology, systematic development, a thriving economy, and entrenched democracy. These tools are used to influence others and can potentially promote globally desired values and principles.
Indeed, culture reflects the national identity of nations and serves as the voice of people, facilitating communication and understanding among the world’s regions. Through culture, countries express their cultural, intellectual, and historical heritage, such as cultural tourism, cultural exchange, language, education, etc., as practical tools to disseminate countries’ cultures and enhance their positive image internationally.
Media, as the maker of opinion and voice of truth, is also a powerful tool to influence public opinion and raise flags for discussions in societies. Through various media outlets, countries can convey their messages and values to different parts of the world, enhance understanding of their heritage, and cultivate positive international impressions.
Modern technology represents the key to communication and interaction today, especially with the Internet revolution and social media platforms offering tremendous opportunities for communication, interaction, and mutual influence among diverse societies and cultures. Countries can reach a wider audience through technology, disseminate knowledge, and promote co-operation in various fields.
Furthermore, democracy and public diplomacy play a crucial role in building trust and promoting democratic dialogue to strengthen freedom, human rights, and the rule of law. They enhance a country’s status in the international community and facilitate communication with all peoples and communities to foster understanding between nations.
The economy is the backbone of power and a marker of a country’s status. It is one of the most essential pillars of soft power as it determines a state’s independence and position among nations. Trade exchange, knowledge sharing, and economic co-operation effectively enhance a country’s influence and achieve its interests.
In addition to the aforementioned tools, the arts must be noticed in all their forms and sports. They have become essential means for their ease of dissemination and significant and direct impact on individuals. Amid the communications revolution and cultural interplay, globalisation also emerges as a driving force to strengthen non-material tools that attract others and influence their behaviours without coercion.
In conclusion, harmony among various soft power tools constitutes its real strength in today’s world, where everyone seeks to influence and persuade. This is evident through their intelligent and effective use, enabling countries and organisations to build strong bridges with people to promote understanding and international co-operation and achieve political and strategic objectives sustainably.
l Sheikh Mohamed bin Thamer al-Thani, is a Qatar University graduate, majoring in International Affairs. He’s the class valedictorian of 2024 Qatar University graduation.
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