With the gold and precious metals industries facing pressure from various sectors due to the negative environmental impact of mining and human rights violations, there is a need for companies to prove that they adhere to international regulations that ensure the sustainability of their operations.

Blaze Metals has received a three-year certification from the Responsible Jewellery Council, reflecting its adherence to global standards on human rights and good environmental practices.

The Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC) ensures that the jewelry industry is sustainable and respects global standards on human rights and good environmental practices, bringing together more than 1,800 companies of all sizes, across the global watch and jewelry supply chain, from mining to retail.

Blaze Metals, a leading precious metals company headquartered in Dubai, UAE with origins in Accra, Ghana, recently received its certification as a member of the RJC for a three-year period. Founded in 2008, Blaze Metals is a leading wholesale and retail supplier of gold bullions, and it also provides several trading- and brokerage-related services for precious metals.

The certification was issued under the standards and supporting documentation of the RJC Code of Practices 2019, which aligns with the Organisation for Economic Cooperation’s Development Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Business Conduct and the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Members of the RJC contribute towards the United Nations 2030 Agenda and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Oheneba Prince Kofi Opoku, CEO of Blaze Metals, says that the RJC certification is a major step for the company, which aims to embody integrity, transparency, and sustainability in its operations. It also strengthens Blaze Metals’ commitment to upholding the highest standards of ethical, human rights, social, and environmental practices in the global jewelry supply chain.

The certification was awarded after an intensive three-month evaluation process that began in November 2023, which included a physical site audit that checks all of the company’s processes, encompassing how it sources its materials and products, the refining process, anti-money laundering, and the human rights issues related to the entire supply chain.

By obtaining the RJC certification, Blaze Metals is part of a select group of leading precious metal companies that are advancing responsible business practices. The certification gives assurance to industry regulators and clients that Blaze Metals is a company that values transparency, integrity, and sustainability in its business activities.

Blaze Metals continues to champion corporate social responsibility (CSR) through the Oheneba Opoku Foundation, which spearheads various CSR initiatives in the United Arab Emirates, Congo, Uganda, and Ghana.

“Over the past few decades, the world has shifted its expectations of businesses from mere money-making vehicles to organizations that have a responsibility to the community,” Opoku says. “Becoming a certified part of the ethical business community is a great achievement for Blaze Metals, enhancing our credibility and reputation in the market as well as reinforcing our commitment to our customers and partners, all of whom value sustainability, transparency, and integrity in their investments and business partnerships. We believe in the intrinsic value of precious metals as a timeless store of wealth, and are committed to providing our clients with the highest quality products and services to help safeguard their financial future.”
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