Barbod Masoumi is a man who has stretched the borders as a crypto influencer and effectively transitioned into a millionaire businessman with an exceptional story to tell. However, using the words “humble beginnings” to describe his roots is just as much of an understatement as saying, “staggering success” to describe his present position.

Of course, what makes Masoumi’s success so “staggering” is that he built his fortune in a mere five years! Masoumi transitioned his own influencer status, with more than 1.1 million social media followers, to helping others develop personal brands.

He utilizes his own success to create success for countless clients. Today, in this exclusive interview, we were fortunate enough to sit down with Masoumi to discuss his journey and ultimately, his life achievements thus far.

Q: It’s a pleasure to have you here, Barbod. I understand that you have transitioned into business, but can I quickly ask you first about your time in the cryptocurrency space?

Masoumi: Yes, I was working as a freelance consultant when I learned how to make income independently. From there, I entered Iran’s cryptocurrency space, and with some strategic moves and investments, I built a reputation there. However, my work now is rooted in building influencers and developing personal brands, high-tech ventures, and that sort of thing. I'm an investor and a partner in multiple businesses.

Q: Yes, you certainly have an impressive portfolio. Can you talk a little more about the range of investments and partnerships you’re involved in?

Masoumi: Sure, I currently oversee the operations of two forward-thinking, high-tech companies. I also help create and make famous personal brands. The personal brands I manage have over 12 million unique followers combined, and their products range from trading platforms to educational products.

Q: How do you perceive your trajectory, especially considering your net worth of over $100 million?

Masoumi: You know, that really is the one part of my journey but it doesn’t really surprise me!
When I look at the people and social circles around me, I feel as small as an ant in comparison! In just five years, I've gone from virtually nothing to the financial success I always hoped for.

Now, sure I can tell you that I worked hard for it, but it really has been a matter of taking chances and believing in myself. I remember as a kid, sitting and dreaming of one day owning a phone [laughs].

As for trajectory, my business goals are to invest heavily in more cutting-edge businesses.

However, I only wish to inspire others with my story. I’d like to be seen as the type of business leader who radiates entrepreneurship and innovation for others to see and know that they can achieve as well. Recently, I began studying politics to elevate and challenge myself.

Q: Your story really does epitomize success. So then, what exactly is it that sets you apart in your industry? What unique perspective do you bring?

Masoumi: Well, I believe my journey resonates with many aspiring entrepreneurs. As I said, anything is attainable, no matter where you come from, and I'm honored to be considered as an example of that. And so, I’d say that it really is my behind-the-scenes focus on others that has set me apart—my ability to see the promise in others, and in businesses as well. I love to focus on influencers and personal brands. Among the 12 influencers I manage, we collectively have over 12 million unique followers, which constitutes 13% of Iran's population. This significant reach commands a lot of influence."

Masoumi’s journey from a curious crypto investor to a multimillionaire businessman is an absolute inspiration for younger generations. And with Barbod Masoumi’s net worth and current ventures spanning high-tech enterprises, and other businesses, his impact is being noticed in almost every corner of the world and rightfully so.