The Qatar Press Center organised the 3rd session of the Press Café sessions on Tuesday which hosted the Palestinian content creator Ramadan Abu Jazar, 'the Little Al-Khwarizmi.'

Ramadan, the ambassador of the Gazan child, is talented in reciting poetry and prose, rhetoric. Jazar's father, Mahmoud, and a child Walid, as well as a group of writers, media professionals, and content makers participated in the event.

In the seminar that was moderated by Amal Abdul Malik, Ramadan spoke about the role of Qatar in supporting the Palestinian cause, and the ongoing diplomatic efforts to reach a permanent ceasefire, facilitate the entry of aid. Qatar also arranges treatment in Doha for many of those wounded in the aggression, all the while remaining in solidarity with the people of Gaza, Ramadan said.

He explained that his childhood was violated due to the war of extermination waged by the Israeli occupation army, and their school bags no longer held their books and notebooks, but rather became mobile lockers that held their identification papers.

Ramadan Abu Jazar spoke about the state of fear and panic that he and all the children of Gaza have been living in since last October 7. Especially when hearing the sound of an explosion followed by another, wondering to himself: Are me and my family the next target? Or will God grant him a lifetime to complete his mission in supporting the Palestinian cause and conveying the voice of the people of Gaza to the world.

"I am one of the children whom God destined to come to life under the sounds of bombing, explosions, and the smell of gunpowder. My mother’s labour came during the displacement of my parents from one place to another during the Israeli aggression on Gaza in 2014, but these circumstances made my parents take upon themselves the responsibility of raising a great human being, a leader, and a preacher. I began memorising the Holy Qur’an at the age of two years, and at the age of two and a half years, I delivered a sermon on Laylat al-Qadr (Night of Destiny) that impressed everyone who heard it, given my young age. Since then, my passion for reading has doubled." he said.

He stressed that the ongoing Israeli aggression against Gaza does not differentiate between a child, a young person, or an elderly person, as the people of Gaza are suffering from famine, displacement, and genocide. He said: “We used to spend long hours in queues to get a sip of water. The humanitarian relief and medical aid that enters Gaza are very little. It does not reach all areas, and does not meet our needs, so firewood was used instead of gas and shrouds instead of medicines. After the closure of the Rafah crossing, anyone who owned a can of beans or chickpeas became as if he owned the world. With the escalation of famine and the scarcity of clean water, we were forced to drink water that was not suitable for drinking.

Ramadan indicated that during the aggression, he wrote a book titled “A Biography of Childhood and Heroism” in schools designated to be shelters of the displaced people of Gaza to escape the Israeli bombing, as a testimony to the tragedy of the people of Gaza under the bombing and siege.