Safari Group has announced a new leadership team for the Safari Toastmasters Club. The executive committee for the 2024-2025 term comprises: President - Praveen Manjery Ramakrishnan; vice presidents - Tijomon Chamakunnel Philipose (education), Varun Balu Kannappassery Varish (membership), Mohammad Asdullah Khan (public relations); secretary - Wilria Angeles Leoncio; treasurer - Prasanth Chandrasekharan Nair; sergeant at arms - Md Tuhinul Islam; immediate past president - Biju Gangadharan.

"The club’s success is greatly supported by Shaheen Backer, managing director of Safari Group,"a statement said. "His commitment to the club extends beyond the workplace, recognising the significant value it adds to employees' development. Whether it’s providing dedicated space for activities, allocating resources for meetings, or personally attending events, his support is key to maintaining the club’s vibrant and successful atmosphere providing valuable outcomes for its members," it was explained.

The recent ceremony was guided by Hafees Muhammed, past Area 21 director and current Division F club growth director. Following the ceremonial gavel exchange, each new executive committee member was introduced, highlighting their qualifications and roles. This introduction helped members connect with their new leaders, encouraging a sense of unity and collective responsibility.

As he took over the gavel, the new president expressed his sincere thanks to the Safari management for their ongoing support and creating opportunities for the club’s advancement. In his role as immediate past president Gangadharan shared his experiences and provided advice to support the club’s future growth, the statement added.
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