French ambassador Jean-Baptiste Faivre lauded the Qatari government for its significant contribution to the security of the upcoming 2024 Olympic Games in Paris.
Qatar is sending more than 100 security personnel to bolster France’s efforts in ensuring the safety and security of the prestigious sporting event.
“Paris will become the capital of sports in less than two weeks from now. My country is proud to host the world, and I would like to extend my warmest thanks to the Qatari authorities who will support France in securing the Olympics.
“As much as Qatar was able to count on France during the World Cup (2022), I know France can rely on Qatar for the Olympic Games,” Faivre continued. “That is what friends and allies are for. And I wish the best of luck to the 14 Qatari athletes who have recently been nominated to participate in the Olympics”, the ambassador told reporters at a press briefing on Thursday, stressing the strong bond between Qatar and France.
Faivre highlighted the growing strategic partnership between the two nations, particularly in the area of security. He said such co-operation is formalised through an administrative agreement signed last February, which paved the way for the deployment of Qatari security forces. To Page 2“Something I must insist on calling it in the press as a strategic partnership, it is something unique. If you look to the other countries who are contributing on that level, we don’t have a lot.
“You may have a few which are very close neighbours to France, but the role of Qatar here is well represented, and it is really the follow-up to what France has done during the World Cup (2022)”, he pointed out.
The Qatari security forces will participate in various aspects of security operations, including specialised teams and logistical support. This participation underscores the experience gained by Qatari security forces in managing and securing major international events, solidifying their reputation as a global leader in this domain.
Beyond security, the ambassador also lauded the strong cultural exchange between the two countries. He cited the recent visit of over 30 Qatari young leaders from the Qatar Leadership Centre, led by HE QM chairperson Sheikha Al Mayassa bint Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani.
“We are working closely with Qatar Museums and I know in this framework there have been some exhibitions organised by QM in France regarding the Olympic Games”, Faivre said, pointing to the recently signed co-operation agreement between the French Ministry of Culture and QM.
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