Palestinian boxer Wasim Abusal said his Olympic journey was far from over despite defeat by Sweden’s Nebil Ibrahim yesterday, adding that he hoped to win a medal at the Los Angeles Olympics in 2028.
Yesterday, a packed North Paris Arena erupted in cheers when featherweight Abusal entered, with chants of “Free Palestine” breaking out loudly and often.
When the fight began, the crowd erased any remaining doubt over who they were supporting, cheering loudly every time Abusal connected with a shot or evaded a punch, and groaning when he was hit.
Unfortunately for Abusal, who was awarded a universality place, there were more groans than cheers, and when the bout ended, Ibrahim was ahead on every judge’s scoresheet.
“I promise you I will continue training in the coming four years till 2028, which I hope is the year I get a medal,” Abusal said.
“I came here to grab a medal but that is sport and God willing, I will fight again. In four year’s time I will raise the Palestinian flag over the podium.”
More than 39,000 Palestinians have been killed in the Israeli offensive in Gaza, say local health authorities.
Israel launched its military action in response to a Hamas-led attack in southern Israel in October. About 1,200 people were killed and 250 were taken hostage in the Oct 7 attack, according to Israeli tallies.
Abusal’s journey to the Olympics has been affected by the conflict, with his coach Ahmad Harara having to train him from abroad due to travel restrictions.
Ibrahim said was well aware of his 20-year-old opponent’s struggles, after holding the Palestinian boxer’s arm aloft following the fight.
“I was very sad when I was drawn against him, because I’m a very strong Palestinian supporter. I want to win gold in this tournament, of course.
“So I have to eliminate him,” Ibrahim said.
“But I tried to turn it around. It’s an honour for me to be the one to fight the first Palestinian boxer to enter at the Olympics.
“He’s not only representing his people and his country. He’s representing every oppressed nation in the world.
“Right now, Palestine is in the face of oppression. So he has a big burden on his shoulders.”
Ibrahim next meets 2023 world champion Abdumalik Khalokov of Uzbekistan.
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