On July 28 of every year, the Republic of Peru celebrates with pride its National Independence Day, known as “Fiestas Patrias”, which was proclaimed in 1821 when the Peruvian people managed to gain their freedom from the status of colony and converted into a Republic, thanks to the liberation movement led by the Argentine General, Jose de San Martin.The patriotic nation of Peru and our communities abroad show our recognition on this special and memorable day by raising high our national flag.The country boasts a vibrant culture, evident in its diverse music, colourful textiles, and ancient traditions passed down through generations. Breathtaking natural beauty surrounds Peru, from the majestic peaks of the Andes to the lush rainforests of the Amazon and the long, sandy coastline. Machu Picchu, a Unesco World Heritage Site and one of the New Seven Wonders of the World, is a testament to Peru’s rich history and architectural prowess.Peru aspires to solidify economic growth, ensuring prosperity for all their citizens. Addressing social inequalities and fostering inclusive development are key priorities. At the same time, Peru strives to preserve its unique cultural identity, ensuring that its rich traditions and heritage continue to flourish for generations to come. Building on the foundations of independence, Peru paves the way for a new chapter of prosperity and progress.On this occasion it is worth remembering the important and successful visit of His Highness the Amir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani, to Lima, Peru, in October 2018.Both Qatar and Peru are reinforcing multilateralism, which allows the two states maintain peace and unite for common objectives and interests, as well as to promote a positive image of their countries in all different aspects related to health, education, cultural openness and trade, promotion of sport and tourism, and the scientific and technological innovation.The bilateral relationship incorporates the role of diplomacy and its promotion of democracy; similarly, both nations tend to share comparable principles as far as foreign policies are concerned, such as:l The promotion of peace, security, co-operation and development in the various spheres of international relations.l The recognition of the sovereign equality of states, and respect for their independence.l The proscription of the threat and the use of force in international relations, which threatens the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or serves as a retaliatory measure or resource to resolve international disputes.l Non-intervention or interference in matters of internal jurisdiction of other states, either directly or indirectly.l The pacific solution of international controversies based on the sovereign equality of states and the free choice of means, in such way that neither peace nor international security nor justices are endangered.l Subjection to International Law as a norm of conduct in international relations and compliance in good faith with the obligations contracted under international legal instruments.l The universality of human rights, and the interpretation of laws in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and ratified treaties on this matter.l Respect for democratic values and the rule of law.On the other hand, we also share similar objectives with “Qatar National Vision 2030”, officially released in October 2008, whose main goal is to transform Qatar into an advanced society capable of achieving sustainable development, according to the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda.Respectively, our relations were formalised on November 7, 1989, establishing our embassies in Doha and Lima, in 2011 and 2012. The relations have extended its strength after the official visit made by His Highness the Amir (now Father Amir) Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, in February 2013 to Lima and that of the Peruvian president of that time in February 2014.During our friendly relations we have signed various agreements, which cover fields of co-operation in education, cultural, sports, civil defence, legal, economic and commercial investmentIt’s important to mention recently we had the opportunity to sign in Lima the Air Services Agreement (ASA), between Civil Aviation Authority and Ministry of Transport and Communications, which will strengthen the aero-commercial relations and co-operation between both nations.Nowadays, we are negotiating significant agreements to be signed in the near future, specially in the fields of youth and sports, protection of investments, co-operation in agri-food and food security and museums.A relevant event in our bilateral relations was the celebration in November 2023 of the II Mechanism for Political Consultations at the level of Vice-Ministers of Foreign Affairs. Held in Doha, these consultations provided a valuable space for dialogue and agreement, solidifying the bilateral agenda in political, economic, and co-operation spheres between the two countries.One of the events that is important to acknowledge is the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022: an exceptional organisation undoubtedly fostered friendships between countries across the globe. This World Cup, featuring the most popular sport in the world, will forever be a cherished memory for fans around the world.On the day of National Independence, our commitment is to continue strengthening our bilateral relationship considering the framework of cordiality and friendship that unite our peoples, promoting mutual support and strengthen our Peruvian identity in this generous and prosperous nation of Qatar.With a fraternal greeting to the Peruvian community and friends in Qatar, we remembered Peru with patriotism on July 28, 2024.